
International Christian Alliance on Prostitution (ICAP) is a partnership devoted to offering freedom and change to individuals who have experienced commercial sexual exploitation, which includes sex trafficking. Made up of regions representing Africa, Asia, Europe, Latin America and North America, it was formed at the 2006 International Christian Conference on Prostitution.


Our Vision.

Our vision is to serve as a global network of practitioners journeying together to strengthen their capacities to help individuals in commercial sexual exploitation and be a united voice against injustice.

Our Mission.

Our Mission is to unite, equip, and empower practitioners who compassionately challenge injustice and offer freedom to those being commercially sexually exploited, including human trafficking.


Our Core Values.

We are all precious to God. We are God’s creation, made in God’s image, and redeemed at great cost.  Our five core values flow directly from this Gospel message, and they are the defining characteristics that we passionately want to be known for:

Worship and Prayer. Recognizing that we partner in God’s mission, we celebrate multicultural expressions of worship, and we pray for colleagues and partners locally and globally.

Hospitality.  We demonstrate the welcome of God by creating spaces for practitioners to nurture relationships and professionally collaborate. 

Integrity. The transformational power of the Gospel is unlocked as we practice integrity through respect, accountability, and honesty.

Encouragement. By God’s grace and direction, we cultivate courage and restoration for practitioners and their organizations.

Relational Learning. We bring people together, as both student and teacher, for mutual learning,  meaningful sharing, and supportive networks toward excellence in practice and aliveness in Christ.